Rocktoberfest 2012: Fear and Loathing in the Red River Gorge

Half of America sits between Colorado and the Red the River Gorge, but to cross that expanse in two days, on four wheels, and with a huge Rock & Ice Easy Up booth in tow, was never out of the question.

I was in like Flynn as the expression goes. I wanted to carouse like that ancient movie star, bark at the moon, shoot the shit, drink Kentucky bourbon and stay up late. But more importantly, I desperately needed a vacation. Work had gotten tough in Colorado, and the endless weeks of a little climbing mixed with a lot of business had worn my psyche paper-thin.

Fortunately the 2012 Rocktoberfest celebration provided the perfect excuse to take a week off and head down to arguably the greatest sport climbing destination in the good ole US of A.

So at the crack of October, Lily and I rolled through the flatlands, hoping to glimpse a piece of history in that southern sandstone Mecca.

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