Creeksgiving: A Recipe for the Climbing Soul

If someone were to ask, “What’s the one climbing area that best represents America?” There would be no hesitation to my answer.

“Indian Creek,” I’d say, thinking of the hundred-foot splitter cracks that line the cliffs like the stripes of an orange zebra.

So to combine Indian Creek with the most American holiday on the calendar –Thanksgiving- and you’ve created a very tasty and truly American concoction known as Creeksgiving.

But this delicious marriage of Creeksgiving’s two major ingredients- Indian Creek and Thanksgiving- would not be possible without some crucial spices and seasonings.

So in the spirit of giving thanks, I’ve created a list of four secret and helpful ingredients to insure that your 2012 Creeksgiving is a complete success.

1. Friends with Cams

Be sure to arrive in Indian Creek with enough Friends, pun intended, so you can actually get to the top of the hundred-plus foot splitter cracks that often require a slew of the same size cam. The other option? Go hitchhiking. This involves prowling the cliff line and sieging already set-up top ropes. “Hey…you think I could take a lap on that?”

2. Turkey Trot

A proper Turkey Trot is essential to the overall quality of your Creeksgiving. This Turkey Trot will taste even better if run in full costume. Of course, if you want to go the full distance, have a fixed rope hanging from the South Six Shooter and require the participants to jug to the top and rappel down as part of the course.

Todd Glew in full regalia.

3. Thanksgiving Feast

If you don’t eat your meat, you can’t have any pudding!  Okay folks, a real deal Thanksgiving feast is the binding element that pulls all the ingredients together to make a true Creeksgiving. To up the ante, follow the traditional Creeksgiving turkey preparation and bury the birds in the desert sand for some slow cooking perfection.

How can you have any pudding if you don’t eat your meat? Tyler Nelson taking no chances.

4. Dance Off Pants Off

What’s a Thanksgiving feast without the desert? Well, the Dance Off Pants Off competition is the pumpkin pie of Creeksgiving. This involves a highly spirited dancing competition to an eclectic selection of gritty, blasts from the past, that can evoke the dancing spirit within any climber’s soul. All you need is a few pieces of cardboard to create the dance floor, a truck with audio speakers, and a mix of some fine Korean Hip Hop, Gangsta Rap, and a little TLC. Just hit play on the stereo and the pants will eventually fly off.

Kevin Hadfield struttin’ his stuff

Luke Mehall and Kevin locked in battle

Okay, so there it is folks. Four secret ingredients that are guaranteed to spice up your 2012 Creeksgiving experience. Season to taste and have a happy Thanks… or I should say… Creeksgiving Holiday.

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